Ignorance of a nation’s people is the devil’s best tool for overthrowing the world. America was a plum prize. God knew in the beginning that evil would eventually subdue the world. All along we have stood firm, kept the faith, maintained our strong faith in God, even as we were unable to withstand the forcing of immorality into our law and upon us ….. by those, who, by stealth, rose to the highest positions of our government. Politicians, judges, lawyers, abetted by dishonest reporting of daily news, an alien president, one not even born in our country, and raised to finish destroying the Christian bastion that was once America, a law abiding country, a fortress for her people, and a beacon to the world’s down trodden.
But prophecy told us it was not always to be. God had a plan for the end times. He knew he could count on His people not to meddle, but to endure, keep the faith until He saw fit to remove His people at the right time in the twinkling of an eye from this earth. The assault of Obama upon our schools is our modern day writing upon the wall. Babylon fell the very night God’s words were written on a wall, a night of a huge banquet that all attending plainly saw. Before the night had ended, Babylon was no more, sacked by two kings, Cyrus of Persia and Darius, the Mede. Cyrus freed the Jews from their 70 years of captivity by Babylon; Trump freed us from 84 years of captivity by the heathen Democrats.
Fellow Face Book patriots, it’s coming! We see it in the swift unveiling of God’s word that has steered our lives. We have lived by His words and now the future is upon us. We see it in the events of every day that is now in the open, no longer concealed. We see it in the spoiling of our world in a myriad of ways, most notably, in the great deception that is now swallowing common sense around the world. We see it in all the warnings of Jesus to his disciples, passed down through the centuries to us who clearly see we are in the very end of times, and in the hands of God. We now see clearly. We who were for decades, kept by Dems in the dark. But, now it is THEM who are in the dark and no longer controlling us. They trifle with us …. God trifles bigger with them. They have scant knowledge, if none at all, of the seven years to come. But, we do know, and indeed, the best is yet to come. God be praised! Amen.
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